Friday, November 15, 2013

Courage- the ability to do something that frightens one.

Quotes on Courage:

-"Courage is doing something for others at the expense of  your own fear." -Cody Sifford

-"Courage overcomes all things There is no courage without fear."

-"Bravery never goes out of style."

-“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." -Winston Churchill

-“A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are for.” -William G.T. Shedd

-"We all experience fear, every one of us. But have courage- work through it so you will not look back on your life and see nothing but a list of things you wish you would have done.

- "Courage is fear that has said its prayers."

Big and Everyday Acts of Courage

Courageous Videos:

This video is a good example of courage because every person has the courage to do or overcome something that not a lot of people would be willing to do.

Scooby Doo is an example of courage because even though he is always scared to go with everyone, he overcomes his fear and ends up helping solve the mystery. He had the option to stay behind but he always goes anyway because his friends need his help.

Courageous Songs:

Kelly Clarkson- Breakaway

Music video link:

"Though it's not easy to tell you goodbye
I gotta take a risk
Take a change
Make a change
And breakaway"

This shows courage because at the beginning of the song she is saying that she lived in a small town and had big dreams and no one really believed in her. "Breakaway " is symbolizing her breaking through all of the disbelief , leaving her comfort zone and striving to make something of her life.

Casting Crowns- Courageous

lyrics link:
Music video link:

This is a Christian song is talking about everyday problems we have to face and how we were made to stand up for what we believe in, and to be courageous with God on our side. Mark Hall, the singer of Casting Crowns, also commented on the meaning of the song. "Men in our society have become passionate about things that don't matter and passive about things that matter most".

Courageous Pictures

The Cowardly Lion earned his courage by helping Dorothy in the witch's castle when he wanted to turn back and leave. He knew Dorothy depended on him.

Soldiers face their fears for us everyday so we don't have to.

Like Scooby Doo, Courage the Cowardly Dog is also an example of courage because he would be so scared of all of the things that was happening to him and his family but still managed to overcome his fear for his loved ones and save Muriel.

Jesus Christ always did God's will and never thought about disobeying Him even though many were against him. Also, standing up and supporting your religion is courageous.

Big point in "Breakaway".

Courage Poem
To stand up for what you believe in,
While others may think you're wrong,
You may not always win,
But you're showing you are strong.

The Cowardly Lion faces his fears,
The Tin Man has a heart,
People change throughout the years,
That's what makes us stand apart.

Trying something new you know nothing about,
Or doing something you've always feared,
There is never a doubt,
The reward will be clear.

To stand up for what you believe in,
To face your biggest fears,
And being open to change over the years.
That is Courage.

One man with courage can change the whole world,
And that man could be you.


  1. Thea, I think your poem is great you put a lot of thought into it. I like you put quotes and that you did more then what we had to do that's an excellent job. You had a good song choice "Breakaway" fit well with your poem. Your pictures went perfectly. Great job!

  2. Loved your poem. Your pictures and the songs that you chose went so well with your poem. I loved how you you put Scooby-Doo on there that was very creative. Amazing job on everything!!

  3. Thea Gilmore... Great Job girl! I really loved your inspiring poem. I especially loved how you incorporated the cowardly lion from the Wizard of Oz. I thought that was really cool and creative. The quote by Theodore Roosevelt really enhanced your poem, "You must do the think you think you cannot do." This is so true. I could tell you spent a lot of time on this!

    1. I was about to put the same exact examples as Brielle did. I really liked how you added the Wizard of Oz in your poem as well. All of the pictures you used made everything even better. Courage is something everyone should have and you expressed that all throughout your poem. Your rhyme scheme went perfectly. Great job!

  4. I agree with Brielle on this. Your poem was so good, and you had many pictures which i loved! i loved how you incorporated scooby doo it brought me back to my childhood. I loved the theme of our poem. All the quotes, pictures, and videos were so supportive of your theme and i loved every part of it.

    1. I agree with Brielle. I think the quotes, pictures, and videos really supported your theme. I especially liked the addition of the quotes. I think that added a special element to your project. I really liked this quote: "“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." -Winston Churchill". I think this really sums up the full spectrum of courage. Nice job!

  5. I agree with them all. This poem is really good Thea. Overall with the poem and everything, the message of courage brought out clear. I like how courage is used to deal with fears and doubts. I also like the picture with the duck and it makes me think of courage as a leap of faith at times. Well done

  6. Thea, I really enjoyed your poem. You did a great job with the rhyming of the poem. I think the specific examples you gave made it easy for the readers to connect with your theme. I really liked this stanza: "To stand up for what you believe in,
    While others may think you're wrong,
    You may not always win,
    But you're showing you are strong." I think you really captured courage in this because it does take a great deal of courage to stand up in the face of opposition and "go against the flow". Overall, I think your ideas flowed well throughout the poem. Great job!

  7. Your poem was topnotch, you really outdid yourself. I liked that you picked Scooby Doo to explain your theme. Even your pictures and quotes made you poem significant of what you were trying to address. I think your poem was awesome and keep up the good work.

  8. Thea, I thought your poem was great! I thought your rhyme scheme was organized and consistent. I like the last line "and that man could be you." This line made the reader able to relate to your poem. I thought all of your pictures went well in expressing your poem and the fact that you had so many was great. I think you put a lot of effort into your blog and it really showed,

  9. I loved your poem, the rhyme scheme kept the poem really interesting. You clearly showed great points about your theme courage. It shows that you worked really hard on this poem! I like how you used examples of people showing courage like, the tin man and the cowardly lion. Overall your poem was amazing and I really enjoyed the videos and pictures you added.
